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Our new Parent, Baby and Toddler Group, Little Buccaneers, will be starting on Tuesday 21st February from 9.45am-10.45am in the upstairs main hall at preschool.

Our community grants through the Coop and Tesco will provide us with the funds to be able to set up the group and help us run each week. The group has been set up to help new parents within the local community come together in a warm and safe environment and make friends. There seems to be a lack in the community of groups where parents can come together and due to the huge number of new houses being built in our area we thought that we would endeavour to help.

Numbers will be limited to 30 each week on a first-come first-served basis. You can register for the next session each Wednesday morning via our Little Buccaneers registration page.

For further information or to answer any questions, please email us at